May 31, 2006

gael garcia bernal is swiss

“fruity", "dry" or "clear"? I don't know. All I know is, certain red wines give me a headache every time. I don't have an acquired taste for wine. I argue back, shit is also an acquired taste if you feed yourself enough of it.
I refuse to demonstrate the herd behaviour, yet to my own dismay, would regurgitate some old borrowed, and much re-cycled words every time I take a sip... close my deluded eyes and whisper under my breath, "mmm … simply out of the world!!!"

I prefer the bitterness of dark chocolates though... over caramel cadburys. No fudge, no pink and yellow sprinkles, or crispy crème doughnuts… give me that pure unadulterated bitterness any day... with a tinge of hidden sweetness... that would promise to melt in 3 secs straight.

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