mess [mes] –noun
1. a dirty, untidy, or disordered condition: World in big ecological mess.
2. an unpleasant or difficult situation: The world is a mess.
3. A clumsy person who has no control over his body (with the help of alchohol or drugs): Did you trip up your heels AGAIN? You're such a mess!!
4. a dish of soft or liquid food: The Iraq mess is no surprise.
5. a state of embarrassing confusion: Urban life: No mess, no fuss... no cigarettes.
6. a dirty or untidy mass, litter, or jumble: SUDDENLY Afghanistan is a mess.
7. a group regularly taking their meals together, military personnel: Mess dress.
8. A word that is used in the place of s**t. I just took a mess. G8 summit: ... stop doing this 'mess' and its over!
9. To define having a large quantity off: Man, that guy has a mess load of stuff.
10. a sloppy or unappetizing preparation of food: George Dubya, the Eton mess.
–verb (used with object)
11. to make dirty or untidy (often fol. by up): If you mess up my hair again, I'm going to kill you.
12. to make a mess or muddle of (affairs, responsibilities, etc.): Don't mess with my flight plans.
13. to fool around with, make out: Did you and Joe mess last night?
14. to treat roughly; beat up (usually followed by up): The gang messed him up.
15. to engage in an act of self pleasure: Look at that dirty man messing with himself.
16. obscure abbreviation of MSN Messenger: Chap A: "I'll speak to you about it on mess"; Chap B: "On what?"; Chap A: "MSN Messenger, idiot".
17. gorgeous: das isch eeländ mess.
—Verb phrases
18. mess around or about, mess in or with: Messing around in Middle-East - Don't mess with me, girl.
19. mess up, to make dirty, untidy, or disordered; to make muddled, confused, etc.; make a mess of; spoil; botch; to perform poorly; bungle: Messed up Middle-East - Summary of the I/P conflict in normal language.
—Synonyms muddle, farrago, hodgepodge, predicament, plight, pickle, confuse, mix up.
—Antonyms tidiness, order, arrange.
"Some other clime... some fairer land...where love shall bloom immortal!
Open, then, the golden gate! And let the god of Love come in; And the old story
shall become the new song..."
"Ever seen a man lurching down your street babbling away to himself
While those little brats swoon down on him, pelting stones
JeeringLike each one of us he too is in search of a red
Sky or perhaps a yellow one
And each time he looks up with that sad spastic smile
He finds the sky to be still blue... ... " Lost Horizon
top pics: Karan Johar (left) pensive at work with star of his movie 'kabhi alvida na kehna'"We began by asking Karan to relax his muscles, close his eyes and concentrate on his toes. Karan began his soul-searching by moving his life force from the tip of his toes, past his knees, waist, and heart. And then rested his inner vision in the centre of his brows... in deep, pensive thought. Moments from Karan’s meditation."
It’s really big, glitzy, and glamorous and its editor-in-chief is none other than Rhea Saran.Under her expert guidance, DIVA has grown into America's No.2 fashion magazine, outselling such national titles as Vogue, Vanity Fair, Harper’s Bazaar, Elle and GQ on local news stands.

Savvy and articulate, Rhea, with questionable indeterminable years of experience in the industry, frequently speaks at local events about the virtues of “hard work”, and is heavily involved with civic activities, related to singing and dancing. When she's not hard at work or dodging advances from her only male co-worker, Rhea enjoys her outdoor lifestyle, including jogging, dancing at parties, and playing mom with her only son. She has perfected the 'balancing act' between career and family by ignoring her bitter, insecure husband's nagging presence, and feels dance-clubs can be therapeutic.

left to right: 1. dancing
2. only male co-worker
3. female subordinates
kabhi alvida na kehna
Saturday, 6:30 am. It's the second time that the fire alarm goes off. Groggy and disoriented, I run downstairs to discover someone pulled a nasty prank on us residents. The icing of the cake? I have locked myself out of my apartment. A happy start of a weekend.
And then come those firemen... aaah, thank life for those wonderful creations of nature. And thank me for goofing up. Packaged just as ordered. Yes, a happy start of a weekend indeed.
4 penguins perish in freak Texas truck accident: Octopus unhurt, exotic fish not as lucky en route to temporary home Yepp! They are LIVE allright... cute and cuddly too. 
“The rest of the penguins kind of stayed together in the ditch... We’ve worked several wrecks involving cows, horses, pigs, even fish, but this is the first where the live animals were penguins.”
The accident could've been worse, says Texas Dept of Public Safety Trooper Richard Buchanan.
“There was another truck full of snakes and alligators that was an hour ahead of them, so luckily we didn’t have to deal with the alligators.”
In case anyone's interested, the Octopus was bound for Moody Gardens, a tourist destination in Galveston... ... nothing. Just thought it was one of those days.
My 'chu-ha' has asked me to give her some space. She needs her privacy she said. She said she wishes she could choose her own goddamn owner. That were her exact words... "goddamn owner"!! What the f**k is that all about??
Chu-ha! I can squish you like a bug! Do you know that?! Silly dog! Yes, I said it! Silly DOG!
day 0.5:
My over-enthusiastic buddy frowns at me suspiciously and wonders if I am sick. I flash an apologetic smile and wonder in amazement at the Samuel Adams statue next to me. She doesn't look too convinced.

I am on one of the fancy-schmancy tourist "trolleys" to kill 3 hours before my hotel check-in. The pictorial maps with handsomely drawn landmarks, the thick red, green and blue route lines do not look too promising after a whole night of flight, 95 deg of heat and 110% humidity. 3 days, 4 nights, 30 landmarks, 10 landmarks per day, 3 overlapping circles to conquer, X marks the coffee places as bases for attack. I start doing the math fast, as I would on exam nights. Must see historical sites, must see Harvard, must see Trinity Church, must take pictures, the voice in my head nags. Shut up! I don my shades to doze-off as the over-friendly tourist guide in his garish costume flashes his nice dentures, and drones on in heavy superlatives. Zzzz... mall, John Hancock... zzzz... hardrock cafe, Ben Franklin.... zzzz... graveyards, Beacon street... zzzz... finally a tap on my shoulder, we have reached back to the hotel.
day 01:
Quick peek into the Convention Center, quick registration, Exhibitions, Animation theatres... Not one to live in guilt, I decide to assure my over-enthusiastic buddy that I am still pursuing "the cause". I flip the bird at the screen midway and walk out of the animation theatre... a rare act on my side I should admit... to my over-enthusiastic buddy's dismay. Run, run, run while there's still time... run for the sake of humanity...X marks the spot. Starbucks. Probably the most wonderful place on earth. Arched passageway with vines. Blue port with white boats. Downtown view. And sea wind. And the gulls. Yes, indeed the most wonderful place on earth. I snug in a chair, with an iced mocha, my ciggies, and a book. No, not one to live in guilt. A boy on roller skates sneaks up, leaves a card on my table and flees. The card shows a new line of underwear... WowUnderwear, the W taking the shape of a curvy hip and thong. Aaah... found my bookmark. I look at the pesky tourists on trolleys, loud tourist guides, and snigger at their helplessness. Get out, save yourselves... I want to say to a guy in the trolley who gives back a blank stare and a confused smirk.
day 02:
Convention Center, old school mates, professors, lunch engagement with school advisor. I have a stupid grin on my face, that exudes from being stupidly happy. Can happiness ever be stupid? People smile back... curious about my nonchalant, non-scurring art of living? Or at my wayward perkyness? I decide to act like a tourist for another 3 hours and visit Harvard square. I take a picture like a true tourist, touching one foot of Harvard himself... pleading my brain to erase that memory afterwards. I am ashamed to have touched someone's foot and smile gloriously. The humble courtyards calm me down. "In the presence of knowledge and greatness" I mutter to myself. My over-enthusiastic buddy, who by now has learnt to live with my idiosyncracies, looks at me with an understanding smile. She seems pleased with my placidity.It's past noon, time to go back to my "watering hole". I sit near a deck this time, next to my coffee-place, one that I've discovered losing my way the last time. An open-air Opera starts just in time. The aria wails through the sea wind... my first live Opera! I read a book on Pirates and smell the wet sea air, and look at the gulls. I laugh to myself. The book is really funny. day 03: 
A friend accompanies me to my watering hole this time. I have successfully established a ritual, marked a sense of belonging in a strange city. We talk about life in general. A dark tan on my already brown skin displays my glory days in the sun. I look like a layered chocolate cake, a punishment for wearing clothes. My plane leaves soon. I say proper goodbyes to the people, to the hustle and bustle, to the heat, the dampness of the sea breeze, and to my lazy two afternoons... time to go back home, where other rituals await.